Maintenance Outage
This weekend will be undergoing routine, scheduled maintenance. During this time you will not be able to search for or retrieve opportunities from the S2S tab in the Proposal Development module.
If you’ve already retrieved an opportunity from the S2S tab you will be able to use the system as you normally would. The maintenance window is as follows:
Scheduled Maintenance Outage:
Production Environment will go Offline Saturday April 21, 2018 at 12:01 AM ET.
Production Environment will go Online Monday April 23, 2018 at 6:00 AM ET.
Instructions for Project Based COI Disclosures
As a reminder, project based conflict of interest disclosures should be completed by key personnel for all projects. At the proposal stage, anyone included in the combined credit split panel will transition from approving their Proposal Development document to a question asking if they would like to complete their project based disclosure. At that time they can complete their project based disclosure and then decide if they’d also like to update their annual disclosure. Instructions on this process are found at:
Key Persons that are added to the Key Personnel tab of the Proposal Development document, but are not included in the Combined Credit Split panel and therefore do not have to approve the Proposal Development document, will receive an email informing them that they have a project based disclosure that needs to be completed. Instructions on how to complete the disclosure are found at:
Please contact the KC Helpdesk,, if you have technical questions on how to complete a COI disclosure.
How to Use the Negotiation Module
The Negotiation Module is where the Office of Sponsored Programs tracks their activities for proposal and award review. If you ever find yourself wondering what the status of a new award is, or whether or not a proposal budget has been reviewed, you may be able to find your answers within the Negotiation module. The Negotiation module can be accessed using Medusa, which is the linking mechanism between documents in KC (see more information on Medusa in Issue 20 of the System Updates). For example, if you know the Proposal Development number, or the Institutional Proposal number, you can search for either of those documents and link to Medusa. Let’s look at an example.
The PI tells her administrator that the sponsor indicated they sent MSU her new award. It’s related to IP 00344168. Using the IP search, search for IP 00344168. In the Actions column of the search results, click the medusa link.
From Medusa you can see if there are any Negotiations associated. Click on the Negotiation link to see what the Agreement Type is. If the Agreement Type is Contract or Grant, then this is likely related to the negotiation of an award. Click the open negotiation button to go into the Negotiation entry.
From the Negotiation click show on the Activities & Attachments panel. Then click show on the Activity/Location History subpanel. 
From here you will see a chart that tells you where things are sitting, and for how long they’ve been sitting. The Activity Type column gives detail on what things we are waiting for. The Location column tells you who it is waiting with. The start date is generally the date something was requested, and if there is an open end date that means it is still waiting to be completed. In the image below, the boxes highlighted in yellow indicate activities that are still open and have not been completed. For example in line 2 you can see that OSP is still waiting on Human Subjects approval from the PI.
If you have questions regarding a Negotiation document, please contact the Negotiator that is identified within the document. 
The Negotiation Module is a great tool you can use to help answer questions on where things might be sitting for a particular proposal or award negotiation. We highly encourage you to use this tool!