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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Account Setup/Modifications

After a sponsored program award has been fully executed, an RC or RG account number is assigned in MSU’s financial system which allows expenses to be posted to the project account throughout the life of the project. Once an RC account number has been established, specific details regarding the award are entered into Account Explorer (AE), a customized project management tool.

Throughout the project period, there may be additional award actions that occur including issuing subawards and modifications such as time extensions or additional funding. These responsibilities are handled by CGA’s Awards Group.

Account Setup Steps

MSU Receives Award - after full execution, OSP Contract Team 1 or 2, or Business Connect, emails CGA Awards Group indicating an award is ready for account setup.
Awards Group Creates Account - using both the new award and the Account Review Sheet, CGA Awards routes a new account in KFS.
New Account Budget and Notes - when the KFS document routing the new account is final, the Awards Group creates the award record in Account Explorer and routes a Budget Reallocation document in KFS for the new award amount.
Account Explorer Setup - CGA Awards group completes the account notes and sends an award summary email to the PI and Department Administrator.

How long does it take to get a new account?

CGA Awards Group aims to have all new accounts routed within five business days of receiving the new account notification from OSP. While it varies by account, typically a new account document will route through KFS in less than one week. The new account can be used once the KFS edoc is final, even if CGA Awards Group is still processing the Budget Reallocation and the award setup in Account Explorer.

Account (RC) Types

The three account types are Standard, Advance, and Hardship, based on the status of the award negotiations.

Account Modifications

Modifications may begin their process in OSP, BC, or CGA, depending on the sponsor or what is being modified. CGA will edit KFS, process needed Budget Reallocations, and update Account Explorer.


After MSU has a fully executed award, we can issue subawards, if appropriate. Subawards may be issued by OSP, BC, or CGA. Subrecipient monitoring is an important part of the award cycle.

Signature Authority

MSU has delegated authority to specific CGA roles to sign award related documents and financial reports.

Request Hardship/Advance Account

There are times when a faculty member is ready to start working on their project before their award has been received or fully executed. MSU makes available two types of accounts, Advance and Hardship, which allow the department to charge project expenditures to the project account prior to receiving the fully executed award. Provides more detail on these types of accounts, as well as explain the process for requesting an Advance/Hardship account.

Regulatory Requirements

The scope of work for your proposal may trigger regulatory requirements such as: human subjects, animal subjects, stem cells, export control, or Conflict of Interest.  Provides additional information related to regulatory requirements at the proposal stage.

Fee-for-Service Procedure

Fee-for-service work requested by an external client requires a DY account.

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