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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Award Modification Roles & Responsibilities

These tables describe the roles and responsibilities of the individuals at MSU involved in sponsored program award modification review and acceptance.  The categories are not all inclusive but rather provide the primary activities and services needed for a Modification. 

Typically, the college/department Research Administrator (RA) is the liaison between the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) and the PI; however, in some instances, the PI may act in that lead role.


  • L = Lead
  • R = Reviewer
  • * = Communicator with CGA

Modification Is Received, Reviewed
and Accepted

Step CGA PI RA Compliance Task
1.1 L        Review modification received from the agency/department/OSP. Verify that the modification is related to a current Institutional Proposal (IP).
1.2 L        Send modification to OSP Proposal Team if it is not related to a current IP. Send modification to OSP Contract Team if it includes changes to previously accepted terms and conditions. (Exception:  if changes are to the project dates, a prior approval, reporting, and/or it includes incremental funding, CGA processes and continues to step 1.3.)
1.3 R L* L* L- ECTS  Export Control.  Review project if an Export Control and Open Research Review Worksheet (ECORRW) is needed.  If an ECORRW is needed and is not complete, department to route for approval.
1.4 R L* L* L- ORSS*  Human Subjects/Animal Use.  Review project for current copies of IRB (Human Subjects) and/or IACUC (Animal Use) approvals.  If IRB and/or IACUC approvals are not up to date, department to complete IRB and/or IACUC protocols (if applicable) and to send to CGA when finalized (if not already visible from CLICK data pull into KC Award Special Review tab).
1.5 R L R* L-CDM  Conflict of Interest.  Review project for current annual disclosure and/or training (for investigators on PHS-funded projects).  If not complete or outdated, PI to finalize.  COI Procedure FAQs.
1.6 L R R    Review modification changes for reasonableness and obtain confirmation of acceptance from department.
1.7 L R L*    If modification includes an increase/decrease of funding, request  a revised budget to match new award amount and confirm mandatory cost share is in place (if applicable).
1.8 L R      Negotiate with sponsor (if applicable).
1.9 L        Send partially executed modification to sponsor.
1.10 L        Receive fully executed modification from Sponsor
1.11 L        Set up modification in KC, KFS and AE. This typically includes updating amounts, dates and/or PIs in KC, dates and/or Lead PI in KFS, and budget end date, effort, and account notes in AE.
1.12 L        If project extended has a subaward that was issued by OSP notify OSP contract team.

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