Addition to the PI Certification Questions
A new question has been added to the Proposal Person Certification questions in the Proposal Development module. The question is:
“Are you aware of the current sponsor’s requirements related to disclosures of current and pending support (also known as Other Support), and that at a minimum you must disclose ALL support including gifts, grants, and contracts from all foreign and domestic sources, including MSU project support? (click More Information for a web address with additional resources)”
The new question is a result of increased federal scrutiny related to research integrity and foreign influence. This has resulted in some federal agencies providing additional guidance and clarifications on what should be included on Current & Pending/Other Support forms. We believe federal agencies have increased their expectations for what should be reported on Current & Pending/Other Support forms, requiring more detail than in the past and urge faculty to use due diligence in reporting all activities required by the federal sponsors. For additional information on what should be disclosed, please visit the Current and Pending / Other Support Requirements by Sponsor webpage.
The question was added on November 8th. There is no impact to proposals that were in-route when the question was added. For proposals that are in-progress, you may see a message at the top of the Proposal Person Certification panel indicating that a newer version of the questionnaire has been published and informing you to update to the newer version. You will get this message for all PI’s, Co-PI’s, and Co-Investigators, and would need to click update for each person receiving this message in order to pull in the new question. We would recommend adding the question, but it is not a requirement to successfully route the proposal.

New Job Aid on How to Find Salary and Fringe Benefits
We have added a new job aid explaining how to look-up salary and fringe benefit information in KC. This job aid is geared toward users who only want to use the system to look up salary and fringe benefit information, and not for those who will be developing budgets in KC. This job aid mirrors a video that was created for the same purpose. Both resources can be found at the following links: