In the past week we identified an issue with some project based COI disclosures. When selecting the option to “Complete Project Based Disclosure”, the project details aren’t always pulling into the Project Based Disclosure area, resulting in an incomplete project based disclosure. It is unclear what is causing this for some individuals/projects, but not others. An update was pushed to the system last night (5/5), which should help to correct the issues, but we are continuing to monitor project based COI disclosures. If you have a faculty member who is struggling with completing a disclosure, please contact the KR Helpdesk for assistance.
To use the Summary feature in the Personnel Costs of a KR budget, take the following steps:
- Click the Assign Personnel… button. An Add Personnel to Period popup window will appear.
- From the Person dropdown, select Summary.
- From the Object Code dropdown, select Summary Hourly with FICA.
- Enter the summary amount in the Requested Salary field.
- Click Assign to Period 1.
![Add Personnel to Period](/UI/images/kc/050622/picture1.png)
Once assigned, the Summary line will be added to the Assign Personnel to Periods section. From this area, you cannot edit the Requested Salary amount. Click the Details button, to edit the amount.
![Assign personnel to periods and edit salary](/UI/images/kc/050622/picture2.png)
Please avoid copying and pasting text into the Project Title field. When OSP/BC/CGA creates Institutional Proposals (IP) we have been experiencing errors, because the system is seeing some apostrophes and commas as special characters. This is typically caused from copying and pasting text, rather than typing text directly into the field. We will work on adjusting the IP so that additional special characters will be accepted without causing errors.
This section is a continuation from last week. Here is an updated list of issues that have been reported and are being worked on:
- Adding notes during route – Currently notes cannot be added while a PD is routing for approvals. We are working to fix this so that notes may be added during the routing process.
- Personnel display order in budgets – The ordering of Project Personnel doesn’t always appear in sequential order. This impacts the display only and seems to occur most frequently when additional TBN positions are added, or when the personnel count exceeds 10 people. The calculations in the budget are correct.
- Conflict of Interest disclosure information not pulling into KR – We are still working on pulling Conflict of Interest disclosure information into the COI Disclosure suboption in PD. Contact the KR Helpdesk to verify if someone has completed a COI disclosure.
- Budget Reports - The enhancements we had made to the KC Budget Reports, as well as the export to Excel option, are still not available in KR. We have this as a high priority for KR and hope to have some options available as soon as possible.
- Errors with Credit Allocation - When adding a Key Person to the Credit Allocation you may run across issues where the F&A credit doesn’t transfer over to the Space credit column. If you notice this in the Credit Allocation for a PD, please reach out to the KR Helpdesk or your Proposal Team member. They may be able to assist you with a workaround.
- PD Search – In the PD Search, not all of the results are being returned, and in some instances, the most recent result is not returned at the top of the list.
Please continue to reach out to the KR Helpdesk when you run across any errors, issues or to provide other feedback on the system.
The following issues have been fixed in KR:
- OSP/BC/CGA now have the option to blanket approve PD documents. This helps avoid re-routing PD’s that have been recalled out of route.
- PIs are no longer showing up with multiple lines in the Credit Allocation.