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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Issue 83: 11/28/23

New – Area of Research Fields in Kuali Research

New Area of Research fields will be added to the Supplemental Information option on 12/1/2023. The Area of Research section includes drop-down selections for Category and Sub-Category, as shown below. Once the enhancement goes into effect, at least one, and up to three, subject areas will be required to be assigned in the Proposal Development document (PD).

Image of new Area of Research fields in Kuali Research

Once a Category has been selected, the Sub-Category drop-down will populate with the selections related to the chosen category. A sub-category must be selected to pass the system validations. For a full listing of the Categories and their associated Sub-Categories, please refer to the Subject Areas Mapping Table.

Only one category and sub-category selection is required, but up to three can be added to the PD to allow for multi-disciplinary projects. If the Areas of Research section is not completed, an error message will appear, and you will be required to add at least one category and sub-category before the PD can be routed. Units are encouraged to request this information from faculty early in the proposal development process to avoid possible submission delays. For more information and step by step instructions, please refer to the KR Areas of Research Job Aid.

Multiple PI Column Added to PD Search Results

A column has been added to the Proposal Development (PD) search results to display individuals included in the PD with the Multiple PI role. The column is labeled [MPI] and is located after the Principal Investigator column.

Image of multiple PI column in PD search results.

CO-PD/PI Role Is Now Reflected in Personnel and Summary Options

In Proposal Development, when the Co-PD/PI box is checked for an individual, the role that is listed next to that individual’s name will now reflect “CO-PD/PI” rather than “Co-Investigator”. This change has been made to the Personnel option as well as the Summary/Submit option.

Image of multiple PI column in PD search results. Image of multiple PI column in PD search results.

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