Dear Colleagues,
As a follow-up to our previous communication, some additional information to help the campus community navigate the emerging federal changes is provided below. This is a rapidly evolving landscape and several units, including Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA), Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), and Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) are working to provide guidance and assistance.
MSU has received stop work orders, suspensions, and other notices from the Federal government, both project specific and more general notices. The project specific notices are shared with principal investigators/project directors. The general notices are being added to our website. Several of the notices are currently on pause based on Temporary Restraining Orders from the courts.
Sharing communications with OSP/CGA:
Presidential Executive Orders and required certifications from sponsors - requesting legal advice from MSU’s Office of General Counsel:
- MSU’s OGC has advised that if you receive notification of new terms relating to EO’s or requests for certification, please contact OGC via this form before responding. An OGC attorney will coordinate with OSP/CGA for review if it relates to a sponsored project and to provide guidance about next steps.
Updates on NIH specific information shared via this Listserv on 2/11/25:
- No-cost extensions: We have learned that the automatic NCE link in eRA Commons is again active. We have not received notice related to the loss, nor return of functionality and are hopeful the functionality will continue.
- Non-competing continuations (NCC): MSU received two NCC on 2/13/25 which included F&A costs at the MSU proposed rate.
Website updates:
- This guidance may change frequently in the coming days and weeks as we learn more. We will continue to provide updated information through: Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition. I will highlight one of the resources that is available through the site in case you want much more detail than reflected on the MSU page:
- COGR 2025 Administration Transition Information & Resources Page – provides information, analysis, government documents, news and publications, and other resources about executive actions, related lawsuits, and changes in policies and practices affecting federally funded research.
Listserv: Information follows on SPA/OSP/CGA Listserv service and joining/withdrawing from the listserv:
- The Listserv is a good way to receive information from SPA/OSP/CGA including items such as new/revised policies, training, sponsor updates, and the latest technology and system updates. We also share the SPA Newsletter and Kuali Research Updates through this service.
- To join listserv: Please send an email to with the words "subscribe SPONPRGMS-OSP-CGANEWS" as the first line in the body of the message.
- To withdraw from listserv: Please send an email to with the words "unsubscribe SPONPRGMS-OSP-CGANEWS" as the first line in the body of the message.
Thank you for your efforts. You are welcome to forward this email to MSU colleagues.
Twila Fisher Reighley
Assoc. VP for research
Sponsored Programs Administration
Michigan State University