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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Issue 7: Friday Updates, 7/7/17

Sponsor Naming Conventions

Certain words within sponsor names have been abbreviated in order to stay within character limitations and to promote consistency between sponsors. When searching by Sponsor Name in KC please use the following naming conventions:

Sponsor Name Includes: Naming Convention in Kuali Coeus:
Administration Administration
America America
American Amer
And &
Associates Associates
Association Assoc
Company Co
Corporation Corp
Department Dept
Foundation Foundation
Government Govt
Incorporated Inc
Institute(s) Inst
Institution Institution
International Intl
Limited Ltd
National National
United States US
United States of America USA
University University

When searching for sponsor names it's good practice to use the asterisk* to pull a complete list of returned results.

File Names

We recently had a USDA proposal returned for correction because the names of the pdf files included .doc (e.g. ProjectNarrative.doc.pdf). Please make sure attachment names do not include special characters, as well as extra periods. Example of a correct and incorrect name in the File Name field

Descriptions for Proposal Attachments

The Description field located in the Proposal Attachment panel does not allow special characters or hard stops (i.e. you cannot click enter within the field to add a second line of text). This does not cause a validation error or warning, however when OSP tries to submit the proposal to we receive an error upon submission. Please do not use special characters or hard stops within this field. Example of a correct and incorrect description in the Description field

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