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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Issue 14: KC System Implementation Update, 9/1/17

*NEW* - Budget Salary Report

This week we have updated the Budget Salary Report (report number 3 on the Budget Actions, Print Forms panel). This report displays salary, fringe and F&A expenses only. Below is a sample of what this report will look like, with names redacted.Example of new Budget Salary Report

Upcoming Conflict of Interest Changes

We have received feedback from faculty on the complexities of completing Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosures in KC. Based on this feedback we are making changes to the system that will help alleviate some of the complexities. We will send out a separate email on the SPA listserv next week explaining the changes in detail. In the meantime, here is a preview of the upcoming changes:

  • PI’s and Co-I’s that approve the proposal will transition from the proposal approval screen to the COI project based disclosure.
  • After completing the project based disclosure, the researcher will have the option to update their annual disclosure, however the system will not force them to update their annual disclosure in order to finalize their project based disclosure.

More to come next week!

Home Unit for Key Personnel Is Now Editable

The Home Unit field for Key Personnel is now editable! This field transfers to the PI’s Department field on the SF424 R&R form, as well as the Senior/Key Person Profile form for all Key Personnel, and is used for reporting purposes by some agencies (e.g. NIH RePORTER). The functionality behind this field is for display purposes only and does NOT impact routing or the combined credit split panel.

To edit the field click the search icon and search for the unit that the person would like to identify with for the proposal submission. Return the appropriate result. When the result returns it will only display the Org Code number in the Home Unit field, however when viewing the federal forms the name of the Department will display on the form.Home Unit field highlighted on the Person Details subpanel
Research and Related Senior/Key Person Profile showing Department name corresponding to the org code in the Home Unit field

If you have changed the Home Unit field for a Key Person, and then later copy the proposal to a new Proposal Development document, the Home Unit field will remain with the unit you had changed it to.

If you had changed the Home Unit for a Key Person, but then delete the person and re-add them to the PD document, they will come in with their Home Unit default from SAP and you will need to edit the field again.

EBS Maintenance on 9-5-17

On Tuesday, September 5th from 7-11 pm EBS will be down for monthly patching. This will include the KC system. Please plan accordingly.

*FIXED* - F&A Rate and Rate Type Are Now Displaying Correctly in Budget Reports

In our last update we reported that the F&A Rate Type and Rate were displaying incorrectly in budget reports. This issue has been fixed. Please let us know if you are still experiencing problems. F&A costs correctly displayed in KC as modified total direct 55.00% (2018) and 55.00% (2019)

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