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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Managing the Action List

The action list provides the user with a “to-do” list. The documents in the list are awaiting some kind of action, decision, or review. Actions could include: Complete, FYI, Acknowledge, and Approve.


  • All Users


  • Looking for documents that need some type of action: Complete, Approve, Acknowledge, or simply review as an FYI.


  1. Click on the Action List link found at the top right of the screen.
image of the Action List tab in Kuali Research
  1. Click the Id number of the desired action to go directly to the full document.
image highlighting the i.d. number of an action

NOTE: The Action List can be sorted by clicking on the underlined header of the column.

  1. In the Log column, click the icon to view the workflow for the document. This displays the route log, shows what type of action is needed, and who needs to take the action. Clicking the show button on the Future Actions panel displays the names of the individuals, or group, that will likely take action on the document next, based on current status of the document. This information will change if an ad-hoc reviewer/approver is added.
image highlighting the work log icon of an action item
  1. Some actions, such as FYI, can be taken from the Action List. Click the down arrow in the Action Requested column, select the action, and click on the take actions button. You can also change the dropdown option in the Actions column for all documents in your action list at one time by using the apply default feature. See the Action List Options section at the end of this document for more information.
image highlighting the aaction requested pull down menu in the action requested column
  1. The most frequently requested actions are:
Action Definition
Complete Open, save, and change an incomplete portion of a document. The document will remain in your Action List until it is submitted or deleted. 
FYI A courtesy notification allowing someone to view the document. Note: a document that has outstanding FYI requests will reach "Final" status once all required approvals have been granted.
Approve Review and verify the proposed content is acceptable. Approved documents continue routing to additional approvers listed (if applicable).
Acknowledge Individuals on the routing list may view and acknowledge an e-Doc, without the need for an approval. Users must open and press the Acknowledge button, however, for the document to reach "Final" status. The “Process” status is for documents that are fully approved but have outstanding “Acknowledge” requests. Individuals that have approved a document that is later disapproved by a subsequent reviewer will receive a request in their action list to "Acknowledge" the document was disapproved.

Action List Options

  1. Click the preferences button to launch the Workflow Preference screen. This allows the user to configure their Action List in a variety of ways. Refer to the Modifying User Preferences Job Aid for more information.
image highlighting the buttons of the action list
  1. Clicking the Refresh button will update the system to include documents or actions that may have been taken while the action list was opened.
  1. Click the filter button at the top right of the screen to define your document search.
    1. The Parameters panel allows the user to choose the information appearing on the Action List.
    2. Check the Exclude? box to remove items from appearing in the Action List.
    3. Click clear or reset at the bottom of the page to clear filtered items and return to the original view.
Parameters subpanel showing document filter options such as title, route status, and document type
  1. Modify the dropdown option in the Actions column for all applicable documents in your action list at one time by selecting the proper action from the dropdown at the top of the screen and clicking the apply default box.
image showing the dropdown menu and apply default button

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