Non-MSU Employees Have Been Removed from the Budget
Previously, when you added a non-MSU employee as a Key Person in the proposal, their name would also populate in the Project Personnel section of the budget module. Also, there was an option to search for non-MSU employees from within the Project Personnel section of the budget module. However, non-MSU employees should not be added to MSU’s budget as personnel paid by MSU, therefore we have removed non-MSU employees from showing up on the Project Personnel panel and the search has been removed. Non-MSU employees should either be added to the budget as consultants, or paid through a subcontract. These expenses would be added on the Non-Personnel tab. ![Project Personnel panel with the now removed Non-employee search option and example non-MSU key person highlighted](/UI/images/kc/040618/projectPersonnel.png)
Percent Employment Has Been Added to the Budget
When employee salary information pulls from SAP into the Project Personnel section of the budget, if the employee is on a partial appointment, their salary is annualized in the Base Salary field. This has caused some confusion for users who were unaware that the amount was already annualized in KC. Therefore, we are adding an informational field that will show the percent of employment for all named employees with a 9M Duration or 12M Duration Appointment Type. This is for informational purposes only. The base salary field will continue to include the annualized salary amount, regardless of a reduced appointment. For additional information on how to budget a part time employee, see Issue 16 of the System Updates.![Employment Percentage column highlighted on the Personnel panel](/UI/images/kc/040618/percentEmployment.png)
Fringe Rate Has Been Added to the Budget
Due to popular demand, we have added a Fringe Rate column to the Personnel Detail panel of the Budget Module. When a person is selected and added to the budget and the % Charged field has been completed, not only will the Requested Salary and Fringe display, but the Fringe Rate will also display. The Fringe Rate will not display when:
- Using the Student Labor object code - this object code does not assess fringe benefits, therefore, there will be no rate to display.
- Using the Graduate Student object code - graduate students are assessed a flat dollar amount for health benefits rather than a rate, therefore a fringe rate does not apply.
- All effort is cost shared – If you have only entered a percentage in the % Effort column, and nothing in the % Charged, there will be no results in the Requested Salary, Fringe or Fringe Rate columns.
![Fringe Rate column highlighted on the Personnel Detail panel](/UI/images/kc/040618/fringeRate.png)
COI Disclosure Status Is Now Displayed in PD, IP and Award
In the last System Update, Issue 29, we informed you of an upcoming enhancement that displays Conflict of Interest disclosure and training information in the Proposal Development (PD), Institutional Proposal (IP), and Award Modules. This enhancement went live in the system on Friday, March 30.
One additional note: the COI Disclosure Information panel will also display in the Proposal Summary tab of the Proposal Development module. This allows reviewers to see the COI status information without having to leave the Proposal Summary tab.![Proposal Summary tab](/UI/images/kc/040618/disclosureStatus.png)