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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Issue 39: Friday Updates, 8/10/18

PI Profile Lookup

There has been an enhancement made to the PI Profile look-up feature. PI Profile is located in the KC maintenance panel. When performing a PI Profile Lookup, the user will be able to search on the following fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Unit Number
  • Parent Unit Number
  • Default Routing (yes, no, or both)

When the system returns the results, the user will now be able to see First Name, Last Name, and Affiliation Type along with the existing fields currently displayed in the returned results.

New First Name, Last Name, and Affiliation Type fields on the PI Profile Lookup tab Outage

The Production and Training Environments will be undergoing routine, scheduled maintenance on Saturday, August 18, 2018. The maintenance window is as follows:

Scheduled Maintenance Outage:
Production Environment will go Offline Saturday August 18, 2018 at 12:01 AM ET.
Production Environment will go Online Monday August 20, 2018 at 6:00 AM ET.

Training Environment will go Offline Saturday August 18, 2018 at 12:01 AM ET.
Training Environment will go Online Monday August 20, 2018 at 6:00 AM ET.

In the event that we run into any issues or finish maintenance ahead of schedule, we will post follow-up messages to the Blog ( and we will send an email to our distribution lists. 

For more information on planned maintenance, please visit:

Late and At-Risk E-mail Notification

As was mentioned in the KC Update #36, new functionality has now been implemented to allow OSP proposal teams to send Late and At-Risk notifications to the PI and the initiator of a PD document through the KC system. The e-mails will include a standard message and will very rarely be customized by OSP. Please note that the e-mail will come from a KC Production e-mail address. Below are examples of the Late and At-Risk e-mail notifications:

Late Notifications

From: <>

Sent: August 10, 2018 3:02 PM

To: Cook, Katherine

Cc: Melton, Marcus

Subject: Proposal Development 33378 - Late Notification

Late Proposal Notification

Dear Dr. Katherine Cook

This is a general reminder that the sponsor's proposal deadline for your project titled, "KC Implementation Update Late Notification Email" is fast approaching.

MSU's deadline policy is to give priority to proposals considered on-time. If the proposal is received before tomorrow morning it will be considered on-time and will take priority over late or at-risk proposals. More information regarding on-time, late and at-risk proposal submissions can be found at the following link MSU Proposal Submission Deadline Policy.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

At-Risk Notifications

From: <>

Sent: August 10, 2018 3:04 PM

To: Cook, Katherine

Cc: Melton, Marcus

Subject: Proposal Development 33378 - At-Risk Notification

At-Risk Proposal Notification

Dear Dr. Katherine Cook

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has not received your complete proposal. Your late proposal is now considered At-Risk. Before OSP can review your proposal you must obtain Associate Research Dean endorsement. Your proposal will not be reviewed until the endorsement has been received by OSP.

Please send the following information in an email to your Associate Research Dean to request endorsement:

  • *Proposal due date
  • *Proposal Development number 33378
  • *Explanation detailing the extenuating circumstances for the exception
  • *Other optional information: provide any other helpful status information for the research dean to use in their decision making (e.g. is the technical portion complete, has the detailed budget received approval from OSP, is the abstract complete, are the agency forms complete, etc.)

If your Associate Research Dean decides to allow the At-Risk proposal to move forward, an email of their endorsement must be sent to

Please contact us if you have any questions.



Please let your OSP representative know if you have any questions regarding these notices.

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