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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Modifying Proposal Permissions

This job aid will walk you through modifying the permissions of your Proposal Development (PD) document to grant permission for creating, editing or viewing the proposal.


  • Most roles can only be assigned or removed when the proposal is in progress, however the view role can also be granted when the proposal has been submitted for approval routing.
  • The individual who created the proposal will automatically be assigned the aggregator role.
  • All proposals must have at least one aggregator.
  • Adjusting roles on the Permissions tab only impacts that specific proposal.
  • An appendix has been provided at the end of this document outlining the access provided by each role.


  • Anyone with the Aggregator role can add/delete the assigned roles on the Access option.


  • Click on the [Access] option in the PD document. Anyone who has been assigned a role previously will be listed. Review the roles to determing if a change in user roles is needed.
  • Name, role, and actions fields highlighted in the Users permissions panel

Add Users:

  1. Click the [Add User] button. Enter information into any of the search criteria for the individual that you would like to provide access to the proposal, then click the [Continue…] button.
  2. Name, role, and actions fields highlighted in the Users panel
  3. Select the radio button next to the individual you would like to add permissions for, then click [Continue…]
  4. Check the box for each role you would like to assign to that individual. Click [Add Permission].
  5. Edit Role button in the Actions Column of the Users panel
  6. Click the [Save] button at the bottom of the screen.


Edit Roles:

  1. Click the [Edit] button for the desired person in the Actions column on the right side of the screen. This will change the Roles field for the individual to a dropdown list.
  2. Add and Remove check boxes in the Roles panel
  3. Click on the roles in the dropdown list to add or remove roles. A check means the role has been added; no check means the role has been removed.
  4. Delete Button in the Actions Column of the Users panel
  5. Click the [Save] button in the Actions column, or at the bottom of the screen.

Delete Roles:

  1. Click the [Delete] button in the Actions column for the individual you wish to remove access for.
  2. Click [Yes] when prompted to confirm that you wish to remove this user's permissions.
  3. Click the [Save] button at the bottom of the screen to finalize your selection.

Appendix: Role Names and Descriptions

Role Description
Viewer Document Level

An assigned role that allows a person read only access to any part of the proposal.

Budget Creator Document Level

An assigned role that allows a person to make changes to any part of the proposal and budget, but grants read only access to the attachments.

Narrative Writer Document Level

An assigned role that allows a person to make changes to any part of the proposal and attachments, but grants read only access to the budget.

Aggregator Document Level

An assigned role that allows a person to make changes to any part of the proposal, including attachments and budget. Individuals with this role can also delete the proposal. Users with this role do not need to be assigned any additional proposal roles.

Delete Proposal Document Level

An assigned role that allows a person to delete the proposal before it is submitted into approval routing.

Access Proposal Person Institutional Salaries Document Level

This role is not used at MSU. All individuals with view access to the budget can see Institutional Salaries.

View Institutionally Maintained Salaries Document Level

This role is not used at MSU. All individuals with view access to the budget can see Institutional Salaries.

Approver Document Level

This role is not used at MSU. Assigning this role has no impact on proposal routing.

Aggregator Only Document Level

This role is not used at MSU. Assign the Aggregator Document Level instead.

Budget Creator Only Document Level

This role is not used at MSU. Assign the Budget Creator Only Document Level.

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