A new organization was created under MSU to report research activity for Henry Ford Health and MSU’s College of Human Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Nursing. The name of the new organization is Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences (HFH+MSU HS), and a new Unique Entity Identifier was created under MSU for this activity (NH77YPDEGG84). A Henry Ford work component is not required to use the UEI.
Awards that include both a MSU and a Henry Ford Health work component will have separate budgets for each entity’s portion of the work. Henry Ford work components will be set up in their own RC account. If an award has both MSU and Henry Ford work, there will be two RC accounts set up as parent and child and the lead PI’s entity for the award will be set up as the parent account. Principal Investigators, as well as Co-Investigators, from Henry Ford Health for these awards will have unpaid appointments at MSU.
Henry Ford Health is responsible for their own costs and compliance, including effort reporting. Direct costs incurred by Henry Ford Health will be automatically transferred monthly into the RC account using MSU financial object codes. F&A will be calculated at MSU based on the costs/object codes used in the transfer. Contract and Grant Administration will complete the letter of credit draw and invoices for Henry Ford Health expenses in HFH+MSU HS awards and MSU will reimburse Henry Ford Health timely for direct costs upon payment receipt
A new Institution was set up in eRA Commons for HFH+MSU HS. Faculty can have an affiliation with MSU or HFH and HFH+MSU HS and will need to switch between the different organizations in eRA Commons to see the activity that was submitted under the applicable institution. When a Henry Ford Health PI is the lead PI, they are responsible for submitting the award RPPRs and addressing questions related to RPPRs from NIH.
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