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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Award Management

Award management includes all post-award activities that occur between the time an award/account is established in MSU’s financial system and when the closeout process begins for sponsored program accounts. All CGA groups are involved in the management of your award. Visit the "CGA Department Organization" page for specific information about each CGA group and their contact information.

Please contact CGA’s Awards Group if you receive a request for information from an agency or an auditor.

For additional information and resources for international sponsored projects, click here.

Please click on a section below for more information.

Agency Prior Approvals

Provides guidance on when MSU needs to seek approval from a grantor and how to request such approval through CGA.

Monitoring & Oversight

Includes information on policy and procedures for maintaining compliance with terms and conditions found in sponsored program awards. Provides information on the processing and review of specific expenses.

Faculty Separation & Changes

Includes the Faculty Separation Checklist and associated Instructions to assist in identifying items to review prior to a faculty member departing from MSU. Provides information on updating MSU systems when listed personnel change.

Financial Reporting

Describes types of financial reports that are often required by grantors and offers a list of useful tools for reviewing financial information.

Technical Reporting

Provides useful information to Principal Investigators for preparing technical reports, including common types of agency reports and roles and responsibilities.

Henry Ford Health & Michigan State University Health Sciences Post-Award Information

Includes internal post-award information specific to awards received under the Henry Ford Health + MSU Health Sciences Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), including KFS Account Set-up, LOC Draw Procedure, and RPPR Submission.

General References


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