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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Financial Transaction Processing Roles & Responsibilities

These tables describe the roles and responsibilities of the individuals at MSU involved in processing financial transactions related to sponsored research accounts.  The categories are not all inclusive but rather provide the primary activities and services needed for reviewing RC account expenses for allowability.

Typically, the college/department Research Administrator (RA) is the liaison between the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) and the PI; however, in some instances, the PI may act in that lead role.


  • L = Lead
  • R = Reviewer
  • * = Communicator with CGA

Non-Personnel Transactions

(excluding cost transfers):

Step CGA PI* RA Task
1.1   L    Incur expense and notify RA of account for which the expense was incurred.
1.2     L  Initiate, where applicable, expense transaction in KFS adding additional approvers (ad hoc) as needed.
1.3 L      Review transaction in KFS Action List for allowability, accuracy, and compliance.  Utilize AE account notes including budget, prior approvals and award terms and conditions, and agreements such as Professional Service Contracts and/or Subawards.  Request additional information, if applicable.  If transaction requires prior approval, refer to steps 4.1-4.4.
1.4   R L  Provide additional information requested, if applicable.
1.5 L      Determine if expense is allowable and approve or disapprove

If disapproved, send email to transaction initiator and/or add note to transaction with reason for disapproval.

1.6 L      AE:  If transaction is a subaward payment and approved, add payment details to subaward database. 

*PI or other project personnel

Personnel Transactions

Step CGA PI* RA Task
2.1   L    Notify RA of account for which the personnel transaction needs to occur.
2.2     L  Initiate personnel transaction using appropriate method (SAP, paper form, etc.) adding additional approvers (ad hoc) as needed.
2.3 L      Review transaction for allowability, if CGA approval is required for processing.  Review business purpose and as applicable: AE account notes including budget, prior approvals needed and award terms and conditions. Request additional information, if applicable.  Determine if expense is allowable and approve or disapprove.
2.4   R L  Provide additional information requested, if applicable.
2.5 L      If transaction requires prior approval, refer to steps 4.1-4.4.

If disapproved, send email to transaction initiator and/or add note to transaction with reason for disapproval.

*PI or Other Project Personnel

Cost Transfers (personnel and non-personnel):

Step CGA PI* RA Task
3.1   L    Notify RA of account for which the transaction needs to occur.
3.2     L  Initiate transaction using appropriate method (KFS, SAP, payroll request, etc.) adding additional approvers (ad hoc) as needed.
3.3 L      Review transaction for allowability and determine if cost transfer form is required.  Review business purpose and as applicable, AE account notes including budget, prior approvals and award terms and conditions, and contracts (PSC or subcontract).  Request additional information, if applicable.  Determine if expense is allowable and approve or disapprove. 
3.4 L      If cost transfer form is required, confirm that it is attached and review.  If a personnel cost transfer, review effort report, if applicable, and confirm it supports salary change.
3.5   R L  Provide additional information requested, if applicable.
3.6 L      If transaction requires prior approval, refer to steps 4.1-4.4.

If disapproved, send email to transaction initiator and/or add note to transaction with reason for disapproval.

3.7 L      AE:  If transaction impacts a subaward payment and approved, add transfer details to subaward database. 

*PI or other project personnel

If Transaction Requires Prior Approval from Sponsor:

Step CGA PI* RA Task
4.1 L      Ask RA and PI if approval was requested and received and if yes, ask them to provide a copy of that approval. 
4.2   R L  If applicable, provide a copy of approval. If prior approval was not received, notify CGA whether agency approval should be sought. Submit necessary documentation for request.
4.3 L      Receive and review documentation necessary for prior approval.  Submit documentation to sponsor if applicable. 
4.4 L      Obtain approval from sponsor and notify RA of outcome.

General References


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